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Published Translations


From Old Arabic to English

Al-Asadī, Bishr bin Abī Khāzim. "Charge Forward, Cows!" in "Making It Rain: Rain Deities in Pre-Islamic Arabia," ArabLit Quarterly, vol. 6, no. 1, Spring 2023, p. 44.

Al-Khansāʾ. "How My Heart Grieves for Sakhr" and "Like Two Twigs of the Same Tree." Consequence vol. 14, no. 2, Fall 2022, pp. 120-121.

---. "Be Generous My Eyes." Y'alla: A Texan Journal of Middle Eastern Literature, vol. 2, Aug. 2022.

Al-Qais, Imruʼ. "I Wonder at an Archer from Banu Thuʻal" in "Making It Rain: Rain Deities in Pre-Islamic Arabia," ArabLit Quarterly, vol. 6, no. 1, Spring 2023, p. 38.

Al-Şalt, Umayya bin Abī. "There Came upon the People a Year of Dearth" in "Making It Rain: Rain Deities in Pre-Islamic Arabia," ArabLit Quarterly, vol. 6, no. 1, Spring 2023, p. 30.

From Classical Arabic to English

Al-Maʿarrī, Abū al-ʿAlāʾ. "An excerpt from The Unnecessary Necessities." Modern Poetry in Translation, vol. 1, 2022, pp. 57-63. [Republished online here]

---. "If Only I Could Refrain from Eating, and: You Think You Are a Man of Religion." The Massachusetts Review, vol. 63, no. 4, Winter 2022, pp. 698-699.

Kushājim, Abū al-Fatḥ. "Elegising a Handkerchief." Emerging Translators Anthology, National Centre for Writing, 2022, pp. 18-21.

---. "Four Gastronomic Poems." Ancient Exchanges, Fall 2021.

---. "On a Miswak." Y'alla: A Texan Journal of Middle Eastern Literature, vol. 2, Aug. 2022.

---. "On Beeswax Candles" in "January Translation Challenge: Kushājim.ArabLit, 3 Jan. 2022.

---. "On the Oud: Three Selected Poems." ArabLit Quarterly, vol. 4, no. 1, Spring 2021, pp. 6-13. [Republished on Medievalists as "The Oud: 'Never short of melodious song'," Feb. 2022]

---. "When Will You Come to Eat?", Modern Poetry in Translation, vol. 3, 2022, pp. 72-78. [Republished on Vittles in "Four Poems on Food and Solitude," Apr. 2023]

From Modern Standard Arabic to English


Abu Nada, Hiba. "Our Loneliness." ArabLit, 4 Dec. 2023. [Republished in Poems for Palestine, Outspoken Press2024; Manifestations Journal, Spring 2024; and on Gale Academic Onefile, 2024]

---. "The Poetry of Hiba Abu Nada." Consequence Forum, 8 Dec. 2023.


Abu Saleh, Emad. "Three selected poems by Sargon Boulus Award-Winning Emad Abu Saleh." ArabLit, 16 Nov. 2020.

---. "Two Poems." ArabLit Quarterly, vol. 3, no. 4, Winter 2020, pp. 6-9.

Alautoom, Maha. "A Street or Less." Words Without Borders, 22 Oct. 2024.

Al-Naffar, Saleem. "From 'A Guitar Made of Ashes'." Co-translated with Ruth Abou Rached. ArabLit Quarterly, vol.6, no. 1, Spring 2024, pp. 36-37.

Al-Nuʿmani, Shamisa. "I Will Love Myself." Sekka Magazine, vol. 5, no. 24, Winter 2022, pp. 191-193.

Al-Saifi, Aisha. "I am a Woman from Oman." Uploaded by Aisha Al Saifi, 15 Nov. 2021. [Celebratory video ahead of Oman's 51st National Day.]

Darwish, Mahmoud. "A Plain Song about the Red Cross." The Massachusetts Review, vol. 65, no. 2, Summer 2024, pp. 11-12.

---"Birds Die in Galilee." Poetry London, vol. 105, Summer 2023, pp. 84-85.

Dunqul, Amal. "The Book of Exodus.Jadaliyya, 2021.

Hussain, Rashid. "Three Poems.Adi Magazine, Oct. 2023. [Excerpts featured in "Cento for Falasteen" by Jeff Gburek, Mar. 2024]

Iskander, Ghareeb. "Great Perplexity.ArabLit, 18 Jan. 2021.

---. "Isthmus of the Wind.Eurolitkrant, 2021.

Kheir-Beik, Kamal. "Two Poems." ArabLit, 3 Mar. 2021.

From Colloquial Egyptian Arabic to English

Farouk, Mahmoud, et al. Hamza Namira's Music Album Raye2. Uploaded by Hamza Namira, Aug. 2023.

Jahin, Salah. "Cigarette Ash." ArabLit, 11 Jan. 2021.

Taher, Omar. "Here's Hoping." Uploaded by Hamza Namira, 9 Aug. 2023.  

From English to Modern Standard Arabic

Elhillo, Safia. "Five Selected Poems." Romman Magazine, 2020.

Elias, Olivia. "Tender." ArabLit Quarterly, vol. 6, no. 1, Spring 2024, p. 102.

Lorde, Audre. "Three Poems." Jadaliyya, 2021.

Lotfi, Marjorie. "A Welcome." National Centre for Writing, Creative Arts East, and Norfolk Library Service, 30 Oct. 2024. Displayed at Norfolk Library Services, Jul. 2024-Mar. 2025.

Mbarki, Nesrine. "Flood." ArabLit Quarterly, vol. 6, no. 1, Spring 2023, pp. 56-57.

Meeropol, Abel and Billie Holiday. "Strange Fruit." Egyptian Researchers, 30 May 2020.

Szirtes, George. "Welcome." National Centre for Writing, Creative Arts East, and Norfolk Library Service, 30 Oct. 2024. Displayed at Norfolk Library Services, Jul. 2024-Mar. 2025.



From Modern Standard Arabic to English

Abdullah, Yahia al-Tahir. "Death in Three Portraits." ArabLit Quarterly, vol. 4, no. 4, Winter 2021, pp. 76-78. [Republished online here]

Al-Sahlawi, Amal. "Who Could Ever Surpass a Strong Woman?Sekka Magazine, vol. 6, no. 25, Spring 2022, pp. 180-182. [Find an online excerpt here]

Al-Taweel, Fadwa. "The Family Assembly." Sekka Magazine, vol. 6, no. 25, Spring 2022, pp. 186-189.

Habibi, Emile. "At Last the Almond Blossomed." ArabLit, 21 Nov. 2022.

From Colloquial Egyptian Arabic to English

Al-Asaker, Maha. "A Trap Called the Body." Sekka Magazine, Spring 2022, pp. 156-159.

From English to Egyptian Colloquial Arabic

Roberts, Lucinda Parker. Lucy's Liver Transplant: A Story about Organ Donation. Amazon KDP, 2020.​


Critical Essays:

From English to Modern Standard Arabic

Abu Sneineh, Mustafa. "Plague and Poetry: How Middle East Authors Have Written about Disease,Egyptian Researchers, 20 Jun. 2020.


Benaissa, ​Salwa. "The Feminist Novel Is on the Rise in the Arab Gulf: An Interview With Mona Kareem." Egyptian Researchers, 12 Jul. 2020.

Busbridge, Rachel. "Does Reading Frantz Fanon Matter? Encountering Black Lives through Anti-racist Literature." Egyptian Researchers, 26 Sept. 2020.

Hanna, Sameh Fekry. "Hamlet Lives and Sings in Arabic: Is That What Shakespeare Really Meant?Egyptian Researchers, 16 Jul. 2020.

Harlitz-Kern, Erika. "What Happens When Women Translate the Classics." Egyptian Researchers, 2 Jul. 2020.

McCrum, Robert. "North by Seamus Heaney (1975).The 100 Best English Nonfiction Books, Elles Feminist Publishing House, 2024.

---. "The Beginning of Spring by Penelope Fitzgerald (1988)." The 100 Best English Novels, Elles Feminist Publishing House, 2023.

Mounzer, Lina. "Apocalypse now: Why Arab Authors are Really Writing about the End of the World." Egyptian Researchers, 23 May 2020. 

Qualey, Marcia Lynx and Ghareeb Iskander. "Reading T. S. Eliot in Arabic: A Talk with Ghareeb Iskander." Turjoman, 15 Nov. 2020.

--- and Shalim M. Hussain. "Off London Book Fair: A Talk with Shalim M. Hussain [podcast]." Egyptian Researchers, 1 Jul. 2020.


Other Writings


In English

Clifford, Edward. "10 Questions for Salma Harland." The Massachusetts Review, 17 Jan. 2023.

Shaffi, Sarah. "The lack of Arabic literature in English translation (and why it matters)". The New Arab, 20 Dec. 2024.


Critical Essays:

In English

Harland, Salma. "January Translation Challenge: Kushājim." ArabLit, 3 Jan. 2022.

---. "On Abū al-ʿAlāʾ al-Maʿarrī, or What It Means to Be Blind and Vegan during the Islamic Middle Ages.Modern Poetry in Translation, vol. 1, 2022, pp. 57-61. [Republished online here]

---. "On Kushajim's 'When Will You Come to Eat?', or How to Hold a Banquet Fit for an Abbasid Caliph." Modern Poetry in Translation, vol.3, 2022, pp. 74-78.

---. "Naming Gaza: Descriptions of a Hub for Trade and Site of Refuge from Ancient Egyptian to Classical Arabic." ArabLit Quarterly, vol. 6, no. 1, Spring 2024, pp. 107-123.

---. "Making It Rain: Rain Deities in Pre-Islamic Arabia." ArabLit Quarterly, vol. 6, no. 1, Spring 2023, pp. 22-49.

In Modern Standard Arabic 

Harland, Salma. "On Absence and Postmodernism in Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot.Egyptian Researchers, 21 Aug. 2019.

---. "On the Image of Europe in Tayib Salih’s Season of Migration to the North." Egyptian Researchers, 7 Mar. 2019.


Book Reviews:

In English

Harland, Salma. “Book Review: English Poetry and Modern Arabic Verse.” Eurolitkrant, 2021.


Copy Editing:

In Modern Standard Arabic

Radford, Lisa, et al. Raafat Ishak: Hot Air. Arabic translation copy-edited by Salma Harland. Melbourne: Sonntag Press, 2023.

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Last updated: 22/12/2024



2024 © Salma Harland

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